          非關命運:人工美女進化史 小心整形整上癮 When you lost the confidence of your own appearance, the right way to deal with it is to ke 裝潢ep lowest profile and do your best not to show up or 租辦公室off in any public sight, and not to attend any social activility, so t 住商房屋hat you can take advantage of Chinese said "Yo.The.B.Yo.10. Yo.10.B.Yo.The". Do not rely o 買屋n 人工整形 to kill your natural process (First Class citizen can always have that good sense to appreciate your na 室內設計tural beauty, that how "Lwall.What.Pyao.0" can attract man's deepest sign; plastic flower no mankind cares it inside that box 烤肉. ), because 人工整形 is a lie, not only "Wheel.上癮", but also can lock you inside your own most miserable nightmare (Plastic surgery is a crime of selli 襯衫ng and buying crime of "lie of whore"; any thing you do that ties or links of selling and/or buying your body, you are providing the worm bed for yourself to be slaved contr 借貸olled tooled by American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash or providing the path and stick for American werewolves slaved controlled tooled white trash to murder you and replaced with 新成屋 their slaved controlled tooled slaves to take over what left behind by you.) no way out.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 西裝外套  .

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